Legally Change your Name by Deed Poll
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Reasons why people change their name by Deed Poll

Comprehensive Reasons for Changing Your Name by Deed Poll

Opting to change one's name through a Deed Poll is a substantial legal decision undertaken for numerous reasons. A Deed Poll is a binding legal document that authorises an individual to alter their name, ensuring that this new identity is acknowledged by all government departments, organisations, and institutions.

Below, we explore the most prevalent and persuasive reasons people choose to change their names via Deed Poll:

Marriage or Civil Partnership

:In the celebratory occasion of a marriage or civil partnership, many couples opt to unify their surnames, symbolising their unity. This often involves one partner adopting the other’s surname or both partners amalgamating their surnames to create a double-barrelled name. This decision is deeply personal, reflecting the couple's united identity.

Example: Sarah Johnson and David Smith marrying and becoming either Sarah and David Smith or Sarah Johnson-Smith and David Johnson-Smith.


In adoption scenarios, changing a name via Deed Poll can be instrumental in establishing a new family unit. It may involve adoptive parent(s) choosing a new name for the adopted child or the child taking up their new family's surname, reinforcing their place in the family and a sense of belonging.

Example: The Brown family adopting a child named Alex Turner, who then becomes Alex Brown.

Reclaiming a Previous Surname

:Individuals frequently use a Deed Poll to revert to a surname from their past, such as a maiden name post-divorce or a surname that reconnects them with their biological or ancestral roots. This process symbolises a return to one’s origins or a recovery of one's identity.

Example: Jane Dover, after her divorce, reverting to her maiden name, Jane Wilson.

Creating a Double-Barrelled Surname:

Creating a double-barrelled surname via a Deed Poll is a popular choice among couples or individuals keen to preserve both family names. This option is prevalent in marriages, civil partnerships, or adoption cases, reflecting a fusion of identities and heritages.

Example: Lisa Perry and Jordan Hayes choosing to be known as Lisa Perry-Hayes and Jordan Perry-Hayes.

Gender Reassignment:

For individuals undergoing gender reassignment, changing their name to mirror their gender identity is a crucial step. A Deed Poll enables this vital part of the transition, ensuring that their preferred name is legally recognised across all official documents.

Example: Jordan, born as Joanna, changing her name to Jordan after gender reassignment.

Divorce and Separation:

Post-divorce or separation, individuals often opt to revert to their pre-marriage surname through a Deed Poll. This change signifies a new beginning or a return to one's roots, detached from past marital ties.

Example: Michael Trent, following his divorce, changing his name back from Michael Saunders (his married name) to Michael Trent.

Consistency Between Official Documents:

Deed Polls are essential for individuals aiming to align their name across various official documents, such as passports, driving licences, and other identification forms. This consistency averts confusion and assures legal uniformity.

Example: Emily Stone, known as Emily James on her passport, using a Deed Poll to standardise her name to Emily Stone across all documents.

Dissatisfaction with Current Name or Reflecting a New Identity:

Whether due to displeasure with a given name or the wish to reflect a new identity (possibly after a religious conversion or significant life change), a Deed Poll provides the legal basis for such a profound change.

Example: David Miller, after converting to a different religion, choosing to change his name to Dawood Ali.

Professional Reasons:

Authors, filmmakers, and creatives often use Deed Polls to adopt professional pseudonyms or pen names. This legal alteration aids in maintaining a distinction between their personal and professional lives, offering a form of branding or privacy.

Example: An author known as John Doe legally changing his name to J.D. Maverick for his writing career.

Personal Reasons:

Individuals also seek name changes to honour family members, mark significant life events, or for other deeply personal reasons. A Deed Poll ensures the new name is not just legally valid but also holds personal meaning.

Example: Lucy Green changing her name to Lucy Greenwood in memory of her late grandmother.

The Deed Poll Process

Changing your name by Deed Poll is a straightforward yet detail-oriented process. The document should precisely include your full former name and the chosen new name, accompanied by an affidavit of execution, verifying that the document has been signed and witnessed by two independent individuals who aren’t related to the applicant.Professional drafting of your Deed Poll ensures it meets all legal requirements, ensuring seamless acceptance for identity verification purposes.

Once the Deed Poll is executed, it should be submitted to all relevant entities holding records of your previous name, ensuring your new name is correctly recorded across all organisations and institutions.

Data Protection and Privacy Assurance

Kindly be advised that all names utilised in our examples are purely fictitious, crafted solely for illustrative purposes. Our organisation is staunchly committed to the rigorous observance of data protection and privacy. We adhere strictly to the utmost standards of confidentiality, ensuring that personal information is handled and safeguarded in compliance with the pertinent data protection legislations and regulations. The employment of hypothetical scenarios in our communications is designed to offer clear, understandable examples of our services, whilst firmly maintaining the confidentiality and security of any individual's personal data.